Meet our team

Tomer Battash

Inesa Shihman

Adv. David Sternfeld


For over 35 years, Adv David Sternfeld has been involved in business restructuring and rehabilitation, in the preparation and execution of creditor arrangements for individuals and companies, and leads the field of dealing with insolvency cases in our firm.

Att. at law Sternfeld has extensive experience and expertise in restructuring and rehabilitation of business (both companies and independent individuals) and in obtaining creditors’ consent for creditor settlements under the auspices of the court, or, in many cases, without the court intervention.

Adv Sternfeld has a Bachelor’s degree in law and business administration from the Reichman University (L.L.B., B.A.) and also completed a Master’s degree in business administration with specialization in Tax law (M.B.T) from the College of Management.

Adv Sternfeld speaks Hebrew and English.


Adv. Yonatan Avishar


Adv. Avishar deals in civil & commercial litigation, crisis management and business emergencies.

Adv. Avishar has proven experience in accompanying clients and managing complex legal proceedings in a wide range of fields, including complex issues in real estate transactions, exports with security implications, crypto-currencies, has experience in the field of Gaming, banking, fraud and embezzlement.

Adv. Avishar provides legal advice and legal services in extensive areas of commercial law, ongoing support for companies and individuals, drafting commercial contracts, setting up business ventures, resolving and managing disputes between shareholders and partners.

Adv. Avisar is a Member of the Israeli Bar Association since 2010 and Holds a bachelor’s degree in law – LL.B.

Adv. Avishar is fluent in Hebrew and English,


Adv. Eyal Shwager

Adv. Shwager is a Member of the Bar Association since 2007.

Areas of practice: commercial and civil litigation, companies, contracts, disputes between partners, disputes concerning real estate rights, class actions, banking, insolvency, interim and temporary remedies, drawing up commercial agreements, providing ongoing legal advice for companies and businesses.

Holds a bachelor’s degree (LL.B) in law from The College of Management Academic Studies

Adv. Eyal Shwegar speaks Hebrew and English.


עו״ד אייל שווגר

חבר בלשכת עורכי הדין משנת 2007.
בעל תואר ראשון (LL.B) במשפטים.
תחומי עיסוק: ליטיגציה מסחרית ואזרחית, חברות, חוזים, סכסוכים בין שותפים,

סכסוכים הנוגעים לזכויות במקרקעין, תובענות ייצוגיות, בנקאות, חדלות פירעון,

סעדים זמניים, עריכת הסכמים מסחריים, ייעוץ משפטי שוטף לחברות ועסקים.
עו”ד אייל שווגר דובר עברית ואנגלית.

ליצירת קשר

Adv. Tomer Battash

Adv. Tomer Battash handles civil & commercial litigation, real estate transaction support, disputes between shareholders and partners, court-ordered enforcement & Execution procedures, insolvency and financial restructuring and rehabilitation.

Holds a bachelor’s degree in law – LL.B. from the College of Management Academic studies.

Adv. Tomer Battash speaks Hebrew and English.


Adv. Inesa Shihman

Adv. Inesa Shihman handles insolvency and financial restructuring and rehabilitation.

Adv. Shihman represents debtors, as well as creditors and trustees. 

Adv. Shihman Holds a bachelor’s degree (L.L.B.) and master’s degree (L.L.M) in law and certified as a director.

Adv. Shihman speaks Hebrew, Russian and English.
